Displaying results 391-400 of 2323


Temporary Import License Proposed in WV

House Bill 2349 seeks to authorize temporary 30-day licenses for out-of-state nonintoxicating beer brewers to import beer for test marketing and distribute to festivals and samplings. Read More


Anheuser-Busch Receives Suspensions, Fine in Wake of TTB Trade Practice Investigation

The Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has accepted a $5 million Offer in Compromise from Anheuser-Busch, LLC (A-B) for alleged violations of the Federal Alcohol Administration (FAA) Act. A-B has also served short suspensions of two of its Colorado …Read More


TTB Accepts Record Offer in Compromise for Trade Practice Violations

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has accepted a $900,000 offer in compromise from Warsteiner Importers Agency Inc. for alleged violations of the trade practice provisions of the Federal Alcohol Administration (FAA) Act, the largest single offer …Read More


Self-Distribution Expansion Proposed in Illinois

S.B. 2216 provides, among several provisions, that a class 3 brewer licensee who meets certain criteria may obtain a self-distribution exemption to allow the sale of not more than 77,500 (instead of 6,200) gallons of beer from each in-state or …Read More


A Simple Guide to Serving Better Nitrogenated Beer serving nitrogenated beer edu publication

A Simple Guide to Serving Better Nitrogenated Beer

This resource from the Draught Beer Quality Subcommittee provides best practice guidance for brewers handling nitro beer.Read More


mobile playlist icon Navigating CO2 Supply Shortages CO2 in brewery with beer in glass 1200x628 1

Navigating CO2 Supply Shortages

This playlist consolidates resources on carbon dioxide supply, alternatives, quality, and safety to help members navigate supply challenges.Read More


Brewers Association Launches “This Is Indie Beer” Campaign This is indie beer 1200x800

Brewers Association Launches “This Is Indie Beer” Campaign

This week, the Brewers Association launched a new campaign promoting independent craft brewers entitled "This Is Indie Beer."Read More

Displaying results 391-400 of 2323