Displaying results 31-40 of 2317


mobile playlist icon CBC 2024 Events Seminars grouping of beers of various colors

CBC 2024 Events Seminars

Hosting events at taprooms creates opportunities for breweries to engage with their customer base in fun and meaningful ways. These seminars from the 2024 Craft Brewers Conference focus on tactics to maintain successful customer engagement.Read More


mobile playlist icon CBC 2024 Taproom Atmosphere & Hospitality Seminars Urban South taproom

CBC 2024 Taproom Atmosphere & Hospitality Seminars

Some of the most important issues for on-premise breweries are simply about hospitality—how can you continue to make meaningful connections with your visitors to keep them coming back for more? This playlist includes topics on enhancing your customer experience, training taproom staff, building programs for successful events, and maintaining customer engagement.Read More


Employer’s Guide to Effective and Legal Interviews woman conducting interview with employee's guide resource cover

Employer’s Guide to Effective and Legal Interviews

Interviewing is a key part of making the right hire, but there's more to it than you might think! This guide will aid you in developing your interview process.Read More


mobile playlist icon CBC 2024 Safety Seminars brewery worker with safety glasses

CBC 2024 Safety Seminars

In this fast-paced series, learn proactive, practical, and affordable ways to avoid injuries and illnesses caused by some of the most common and serious brewery hazards.Read More


Fresh New Resources Just for You Brewer in brewhouse

Fresh New Resources Just for You

The Brewers Association publishes new tools, guides, and how-tos every week. Here are some recent materials you might find useful. Note: The following resources are for Brewers Association members only. To unlock these and all other member benefits, start (or renew) your membership. If …Read More


The Flavor of Your Taproom: How the Drinking Atmosphere Shifts the Taste and Memory of Beer

This seminar explores how various sensory elements in a taproom impact the flavor experience even before a drink is served. It delves into the influence of music, decor, and ambiance on taste perception, backed by scientific research and industry success stories. Participants will learn to enhance customer satisfaction by optimizing sensory experiences.Read More


Regional Trends in Styles and Production range of beer styles in various glassware

Regional Trends in Styles and Production

Step away from national averages and join us as we journey into your local context. This post explores the statistics behind variations in craft style sales and production by region, division, and state.Read More


Hazard Roulette: Emerging Topics in Brewery Safety

In this session, the co-chairs of the Brewers Association Safety Subcommittee, Rachel Bell and Zach Perrotte, will discuss emerging safety topics within the industry. Each rapid-fire mini lecture is designed to let you know about new safety considerations for your brewery.Read More

Displaying results 31-40 of 2317