Displaying results 2321-2323 of 2323


Changes to Supplier-Wholesaler Contracts Proposed in TN

House Bill 706 and Senate Bill 686 clarify that contracts entered into or renewed by a manufacturer or importer and the wholesaler that is more than seven years in length shall be considered contrary to the public policy of this …Read More


Off-Premise Brewery Sales Considered in Texas

Companions Senate Bill 1386 and House Bill 3086 seek to allow breweries producing 225,000 barrels or less annually the ability to sell 576 ounces (equivalent to 2 cases) of beer in a single transaction once per month to customers for …Read More


Small Brewer Excise Tax Legislation Adds More Co-Sponsors

Small brewer excise tax recalibration legislation, The Small Brewer Reinvestment and Expanding Workforce Act (Small BREW Act) continues to gain support in both chambers of the 113th U.S. Congress. H.R. 494 was introduced on February 5 by Representatives Jim Gerlach (R-PA) …Read More

Displaying results 2321-2323 of 2323