Displaying results 2281-2290 of 2317

How To Secure Raw Materials and Ingredients

As more brewies enter the market, they may need to compete for limited raw materials. This presentation gives brewery start-ups the information needed to secure raw materials. Read More


High Rate Anaerobic Digester Systems for Brewery Wastewater Treatment and Electricity Generation: System Benefits, Engineering Design Factors, Start-up and Initial Performance Data

This seminar focuses on the anaerobic fluidized bed digester system recently installed in The Matt Brewing Co.’s Utica brewery. The seminar discusses the technology selection process, system benefits, pertinent design factors, as well as the construction planning, installation, startup and …Read More


Glass and Cans: A Moderated Discussion

Wired contributing editor and Slate and New York Times columnist Brendan Koerner moderates a debate between beer can and glass bottle suppliers as they discuss the benefits of each package type and are challenged on perceived drawbacks. Read More


The Growing Market for U.S. Craft Beer in Australia

The craft beer movement is taking hold in Australia with the formation of new craft beer associations and specialty bars and retailers. The U.S. industry is already taking advantage of opportunities created by these developments. James discusses Australia’s turn towards …Read More


Getting The Most Out of Your Hemocytometer

Focusing on yeast health and pitching rates can impact quality throughout the brewing process. This presentation reviews traditional yeast counting and pitching rates for primary fermentation and introduces techniques to fine-tune flavor and brewery processes, ultimately giving the brewer more …Read More

Displaying results 2281-2290 of 2317