Displaying results 1871-1880 of 2323


Beer Tax Reform Bill Tops 100 Co-Sponsors in House

WASHINGTON AND BOULDER, COLO. – A comprehensive reform bill to foster economic development and job growth in the brewing industry reached a major milestone when it added its 100th co-sponsor since its introduction this summer.  Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-Calif.) was officially …Read More


Andy Skelton

What’s your current position at your brewery, and how did you get started in the craft brewing industry? I’m currently the taproom manager and marketing/communications coordinator at Iowa Brewing Company [in Cedar Rapids]. This is the third brewery I’ve had the …Read More


Brewers Association and Beer Institute Welcome Introduction of Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act

Comprehensive Beer Tax Reform Bill Introduced Just Ahead of Beer’s Busiest Week WASHINGTON AND BOULDER, CO –The Brewers Association—a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to small and independent American brewers—and the Beer Institute—a national trade association representing brewers, beer importers and supply industries—jointly applaud …Read More

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The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue

Where are your Kegs?

There are approximately 11 million kegs in use in the U.S. and almost 400,000 of them disappear annually, resulting in an estimated overall loss in excess of $50 million.

Displaying results 1871-1880 of 2323