Displaying results 1751-1760 of 2323


FDA Issues Revisions to Proposed Rule on Spent Grain

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a Proposed Rule Supplement guidance document which clarifies information concerning the handling of spent grain. Breweries that sell less than $2.5 million in animal feed will be exempt from the formal …Read More


TTB Expands Allowable Label Changes

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) announced a further expansion to the list of changes that may be made to approved labels without requiring those labels be resubmitted to TTB for review. Read More


Four Reasons to Ask Your Congressmen and Senators to Visit Your Brewery Victory 1

Four Reasons to Ask Your Congressmen and Senators to Visit Your Brewery

August recess is soon upon us. The magical time when much of Washington, D.C. vacates and heads back to their home states and districts for an entire month. Right now is the perfect time for you to invite Senators and …Read More


The Rise of the Microbrewery Tap Room

A new brewery, Liquid Mechanics, opened up last month a few miles from my house. It doesn’t have a kitchen, though you can order food from local restaurants and there are food trucks most nights. It’s a great example of …Read More


Crib Notes on the Brewers Association Craft Beer Program

The Brewers Association offers many ways to get the word out about your brewery. This seminar summarizes the BA’s Craft Beer Program and its efforts and projects on behalf of craft brewers. Sit in to learn how to leverage the …Read More


Maryland Class 5 Brewery Sales Altered in Proposal

H.B. 1283 repeals the authority of a Class 5 brewery to serve free beer samples, although a brewery may continue to sell beer for on-premises consumption under a Class D beer license which entitles the brewery to sell beer brewed …Read More


WY Samplng and Sales Changes Become Law

Signed into law, Senate Bill 13 specifies that a holder of a manufacturer’s license may dispense free samples at the site identified on the manufacturer’s license and that the manufactured product to be sampled or to be sold at satellite …Read More

Displaying results 1751-1760 of 2323