Displaying results 1731-1740 of 2323


Brewers Association Files Additional Brief on ABI-SAB Merger

The Brewers Association (BA) has filed an amicus brief in federal District Court, asserting that: 1) The Proposed Final Judgment (PFJ) relating to Anheuser-Busch InBev’s acquisition of SAB Miller does not adequately protect the public from anticompetitive practices by Anheuser-Busch …Read More


Craft Update – Q1 2015

Welcome to “craft update.” The goal of this post (and future iterations) is to provide more timely updates of the craft beer industry along the lines of the State of the Industry presentation Paul Gatza and I give every year …Read More


Virginia Sales Tax Exemption Bill Advances

Passing both chambers of the legislature, House Bill 859 provides sales and use tax exemption for machinery, tools, equipment and materials used by licensed brewers in the production of beer and materials such as labels and boxes for future use …Read More


Virginia Sales Tax Exemption Clarified

House Bill 859 seeks to clarify an existing sales and use tax exemption for machinery, tools, equipment and materials used in the commercial production of beer and materials such as labels and boxes for future use in packaging the beer …Read More


Brewers Association Seats 2015 Board of Directors

Boulder, CO • February 25, 2015—The Brewers Association (BA)—the not-for-profit trade group dedicated to promoting and protecting America’s small and independent craft brewers—inaugurated its 2015 Board of Directors. Under the leadership of Gary Fish, founder of Deschutes Brewery, the Board governs …Read More


NH Manufacturer Retail Sales Bill Moves

Passing the full House, H.B. 429 calls for reviving the commission to review and consider alcoholic beverage manufacturing processes and retail sales at manufacturing facilities. Read More


NH Manufacturer Retail Sales Bill Moves

Passing committee, H.B. 429 calls for reviving the commission to review and consider alcoholic beverage manufacturing processes and retail sales at manufacturing facilities. Read More

Displaying results 1731-1740 of 2323