Displaying results 1041-1050 of 1150

We Can and So Can You: Canning Line Selection and Installation

Properly packaging your beer for market is critical to quality and consumer experience, and the first step is selecting and installing the equipment! Join moderator Alan Windhausen from Pikes Peak Brewing, plus speakers Brock Ashburn from Highland Brewing and Perry …Read More


Safety Bootcamp

The Brewers Association Safety Bootcamp is designed for brewers, cellar workers, packagers, managers and owners. This bootcamp is focused on identifying and reducing hazards in the brewery. A hand-picked team of six brewing industry safety instructors will inform and entertain …Read More


Researcher Presentations: Your BA Dues At Work

In 2016, the Brewers Association provided $280,000 in competitive grant support for 13 barley- and hop-related research projects. Several of these researchers will present their findings during the Craft Brewers Conference. Learn about cutting-edge discoveries that will benefit your business …Read More


Harnessing Brettanomyces for Flavor Development

Originally identified by New Carlsberg brewery in 1904 as “necessary for bringing English stock beers into proper condition, Brettanomyces yeasts are today best known for their devastating effects on wine quality. Recent growth in the production of American craft saisons …Read More

Craft Brewers Conference Seminar - Featured Image

Researcher Presentations B: Your BA Dues At Work

In 2017, the Brewers Association provided $440,000 in competitive grant support for 18 barley- and hop-related research projects. Several of these researchers will present their findings during the Craft Brewers Conference. Learn about cutting-edge discoveries that will benefit your business …Read More


Brewing With Purpose

Charitable giving is a part of the tradition of craft beer and a driving force for its future. In this panel, we’ll share ways that we’ve engaged our fans, inspired each other, and mobilized to share the purpose behind our …Read More

Displaying results 1041-1050 of 1150