EDP Australian Intl Beer Awards Invitation

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Note Deadlines in the email:
Registration/Beer Info to Mark Snyder/Brewers Association: Thursday, February 9th  
Beers to Brewers Association warehouse: Tuesday, March 6th

The Brewers Association would like to inform all Export Development Program subscribers of the 20th Anniversary of the 2012 Australian International Beer Awards, the AIBA, www.beerawards.com. 

Held in Melbourne each year, the AIBA is Australia’s most prestigious beer event and has become firmly established on the international brewing calendar as a renowned and recognized barometer of diversity in beer brewing across the world.  In 2011, the Australian International Beer Awards entries from over from 33 countries.  The AIBA remains the largest showcase for premium beer and brewing excellence in the Asia Pacific Region.  At the 2011 Australian International Beer Awards (AIBA), the US craft beer industry performed exceedingly well, winning a total of 113 awards with over 32 US craft breweries that entered the competition, enabling the US industry to have far greater representation than ever before. The AIBA is the pre-eminent showcase for premium beer and brewing excellence in the Asia Pacific Region.

Please refer to the AIBA Entry Booklet to determine the judging style & additional information: http://www.beerawards.com/pdfs/AIBA_2012_ENTRY_BK.pdf

The BA is prepared to cover the entry cost and shipping from the Brewers Association to Australia for up to three brands (bottles and cans only) per brewery for Export Development Program subscribers.  There is no limit on the number of submissions per brewery but each additional brand is charged a separate fee.

If you wish to participate, please provide the following information for each brand entered:

Brand Entry
* Beer Name
* Class/sub class
* Style or Type
* ABV%
* Bottle/Can size
* Bottled Conditioned?
* Clouding Agent Used?
* Filtered?

Quantity needed for judging
For each brand entered into the competition.
12 bottles or cans (12 oz size) or 6 bottles (22 oz size or 750 ml size) of each brand is needed for the competition.  If it is easier for you to send a full case of each brand entered into the competition, please do – beers not needed for judging will be used at a consumer tasting after the awards ceremony.

In 2012, AIBA organizers are hosting a consumer tasting event after the awards ceremony on May 18th during the Australian Good Beer Week from the additional beers from the competition. This is a new event the AIBA has added to the awards to open up exposure to international beers to Australian trade and consumers. 

If you will be in Melbourne during Good Beer Week (May 12-19, 2012) and at the AIBA award presentation (May 17th ), please let me know as the AIBA organizers would like to extend an invitation for you to personally exhibit your beer at the consumer event. The consumer event will be held at the iconic Federation Square in the heart of the city.

What I need to know by Thursday, February 9th are the beers you plan to enter into the competition and the registration info.  This is important as we need to submit the paperwork in advance for all the beer entries, so that the AIBA organizers can schedule the judges needed for this competition.  If you need assistance, please contact Mark Snyder.

After I register the beers with the AIBA organizers, labeling info will be sent, for you to put on your beer entries.

The beer samples need to be delivered to the Brewers Association’s warehouse by Tuesday, March 6th. 

Brewers Association warehouse
3240 Prairie Ave, Unit A
Boulder, CO 80301 
Tel: 303-443-7198

The beers will be palletized for an air shipment to Australia.  We are flying the beers to Australia to ensure the best possible quality of your beers for judging.

The Brewers Association will fill out the entry forms for all the Export Development Program subscribing breweries in this competition, pay for up to 3 brands per brewery into the competition and pay to ship the beers entered into the competition in Australia as an Export Development Program subscriber benefit.

Contact Mark Snyder now, at 303-447-0816 ext 137 (toll free: 888-822-6273, ext 137 or mark@brewersassociation.org)  that you will be entering the competition and/or to learn more about the Export Development Program.

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