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Displaying results 61-70 of 198

The New Ag Kids: Starting a Farm Brewery in the Farmhouse Brewing Era

In this panel, owners of rural breweries will share their experiences in opening and operating production breweries and tasting rooms on agricultural land. Farmers have been brewers since, likely, there were farms, but modern brewing has largely been an industrial …Read More


Tap Yourself: Making Your Story Bigger than Beer

You took a risk when you started your own brewery. What if you started your own movement? In this seminar, Cody Keenan, craft beer fan and Barack Obama’s speechwriter and collaborator for the past twelve years, will talk about ways …Read More


Successfully Hire, Train and Manage Craft Beer Salespeople

Whether you are brand new or experienced, craft brewers of all sizes can struggle with successfully hiring, training, and managing craft beer salespeople. This can become an expensive and time consuming process for all involved. Done right, you will reap …Read More


It’s About More than Free Beer: Thinking Philanthropically about Inclusion, Equity and Diversity

The Brewers Association has long recognized that independent craft brewers tend to be very involved in their communities through philanthropy, product donations, volunteerism, and sponsorship of events. Whether they are raising awareness about current issues, raising funds for disaster relief, …Read More


Growing into the Headwinds – the Sequel!

Sure, there are headwinds in the craft beer industry! And of course the craft beer market is more crowded and competitive than ever before. So what? Despite all the hand-wringing and foreboding press reports of disruption and an industry slowdown, …Read More


Hop Contracting is So Yesterday – NOT

Hop contracting remains the single tool allowing craft brewers of all sizes to ensure access to the hop varieties they cherish for their beer brands. Hop growers will only produce the hops you need until you ask them to do …Read More

Displaying results 61-70 of 198

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