Craft Brewers Climb Capitol Hill for Annual Outreach

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Taking place in conjunction with SAVOR and leading up to American Craft Beer Week, brewery and state brewers guild representatives assembled in Washington, D.C. for the annual hill climb organized by the Brewers Association. With representation from 48 states, the group was poised to make a big impact.

In the months leading up to the event, meetings were set with the offices of Members of the Senate and House of Representatives. Over 250 total meetings took place on Thursday, May 8. The main objectives of these meetings are to maintain or expand the relationships between brewers and their elected officials, educate Members of Congress on issues important to brewers and advocate for federal beer excise tax reduction and against any excise tax increase.

As part of the Brewers Associations purpose, protecting the rights of American craft brewers has become even more of a focus of the organization. Although outreach to Members of Congress takes place year round, the annual hill climb makes an important impression. Most notably, this event helps to add members of the House and Senate Small Brewers Caucus and co-sponsors for the federal excise tax legislation.

For more information on how to connect with members of Congress, visit the Government Affairs section.

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