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Displaying results 951-960 of 3431

OR Malt Beverage Definition Bill Signed

Signed into law, H.B. 2264, among several provisions, defines “malt beverage” as beer, ale, porter, stout and other similar fermented beverages that contain more than one-half of one percent and not more than 16 percent of alcohol by volume and …Read More

RI Brewery On-Premises Sales Bill Lands on Gov’s Desk

On the Governor’s desk, Senate Bill 199 seeks to modify limitations on quantities of malt beverages that can be sold at retail by brewery and brewpub manufacturer license holders for off-premises consumption. Allowable sales of malt beverages would increase …Read More

Brewpub Sales Addressed in RI Bill

Signed into law, H.B. 5105 authorizes a holder of a Class B or brew pub manufacturer’s license to sell specified amounts of wine, beer and mixed alcoholic beverages with take-out food orders. The sale of all other alcoholic beverages and …Read More

Restaurant Revitalization Fund Replenishment Act Introduced

Introduced in both chambers of the United States Congress, H.R.3807/S.2091, the Restaurant Revitalization Fund Replenishment Act seeks to add an additional $60 billion to the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, thereby providing critical funding for the recovery of small hospitality businesses. Read More

Biden Issues Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy

Recognizing the need to promote a fair, open, and competitive marketplace, President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order promoting competition in the American economy. Covering a wide range of businesses and activities, provisions of the order specific to beverage …Read More

CA Draft Dispense Exemption Bill Further Amended

Amended several times in Senate committee, Assembly Bill 1330 prohibits an alcohol licensee from delivering alcoholic beverages to a consumer pursuant to any order received for an alcoholic beverage by telephone or other electronic means unless specified conditions are met. …Read More

Shared Brewing Premises Bill Heads to DE Governor

Passing the legislature, H.B. 81 allows two or more microbreweries to share brewing equipment if the microbreweries maintain separate premises to sell their product to consumers and wholesalers. Read More

Illinois BEER Act Provisions Await Gubernatorial Action

House Bill 2620, amended to include certain provisions the Brewers Economic Equity & Relief Act, has been sent to the Governor. The legislation provides for continued curbside pick-up for all licensed brewers, addresses issues related to limited brewpub self-distribution, …Read More

LA Legislature OK’s Direct-to-Consumer Study

Passing through both legislative chambers, House Concurrent Resolution 106 creates a task force to study issues associated with the direct-to-consumer shipment of wine in Louisiana. Read More

Marijuana-Infused Alcohol Legislation Before MI Governor

Before the Governor for action, H.B. 4746 seeks to make the use or offer for use, possession, sale, or offer for sale of marihuana-infused beer, wine, mixed wine drink, mixed spirit drink, or spirits a misdemeanor. Read More

Displaying results 951-960 of 3431

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

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