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MA Bill Elevates Contracts Over Franchise

S.D. 1687 holds that, regardless of whether or not the parties have entered into a written agreement, relationships between a malt beverage supplier and a wholesaler shall be governed by the parties’ agreement, the law of contracts, and/or other generally-applicable …Read More

MA Distributors Propose Franchise Bill

Distributor-backed legislation (H.D. 3525) would allow brewers under 30,000 barrels annual production to terminate distributors without cause. Read More

Franchise Reform Reintroduced in MA

H.D.1319 provides for the termination of a distributor in the absence of good cause by small brewer suppliers that are 20% or less of the wholesaler’s total sales in the prior calendar year preceding any refusal to sell, with binding …Read More

Task Force to Study MA Alcohol Laws

State Treasurer Deb Goldberg has convened an Alcohol Task Force to examine the legal and regulatory framework governing the alcoholic beverage industry and make recommendations to improve alcohol regulation. Read More

Tripling of Excise Tax Proposed in MA

S.D. 138 seeks to triple the excise tax on beer. Read More

Cider Tax Reduction Moves in MA

Clearing initial committee consideration, House Bill 4678 seeks to lower the tax on cider. Read More

MA Franchise Task Force Proposal Dies as Session Ends

A provision to create a task force of brewers, distributors and political appointees to work out differences on franchise law reform, specifically when and how a brewer can exit a distribution arrangement, was stripped from legislation as the session ended. Read More

MA Franchise Task Force on Fast Track

Legislation to create a task force of brewers, distributors and political appointees to work out differences on franchise law reform, specifically when and how a brewer can exit a distribution arrangement, has cleared the Senate. If agreement can’t be …Read More

MA Pub Brewer Retail Sales Bill Advances

Advancing from committee, House Bill 282 would expand the retail abilities of pub brewers. Read More

MA Trade Practice Violations Ruling

The state Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission handed down a 90-day license suspension to distributor Craft Brewers Guild for violations of state rules against offering inducements to retailers. Craft Brewers Guild opted to pay a fine (reportedly over $2.5 million) …Read More

Displaying results 51-60 of 72

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

See Pete's Articles