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Take-Out Alcohol with Food Provisions Intro’d in RI

S.B. 2928 would authorize certain retail license holders to sell alcoholic beverages with take-out food orders. This act would take effect upon passage and would sunset on December 31, 2021. Read More

RI Brewpub Off-Premises Sales Expansion Proposed

S.B. 2715 seeks to allow brewpub manufacturers to sell bottles or cans of certain alcoholic beverages produced on the premises to consumers, not to exceed twenty-four (24) twelve-ounce (12 oz.) bottles or cans or twenty-four (24) sixteen-ounce (16 oz.) …Read More

Brewery Sales Adjustments Intro’d in RI

House Bill 8005 modifies limitations on quantities of malt beverages and distilled spirits that can be sold at retail by certain licensed breweries and distilleries for off-premises consumption. Read More

Farm Brewery Effort Stalls in RI

Held for further study, Senate Bill 913 sought to authorize the issuance of farmer brewery and farmer distillery licenses to qualifying farms subject to certain conditions. Read More

Licensing Fee Drops in Rhode Island

Signed into law by the Governor, H.B. 7092 reduces the alcoholic beverage manufacturing and wholesale licensing fee from three thousand dollars ($3,000) to five hundred dollars ($500). Read More

RI License Fee Reduction Proposal Dies

Failing to pass committee, S.B. 2251 seeks to reduce the alcoholic beverage manufacturing and wholesale licensing fee from $3,000 to $500. Read More

RI Brewpub Distribution Bill Stalls

Stalled in committee, H.B. 7364 would authorize brewpub manufacturer’s licensees to sell at retail to certain holders of wholesale licenses at the licensed place by the manufacturer of the product of his or her licensed plant as well as beverages …Read More

License Fee Reduction Proposed in RI

S.B. 2251 seeks to reduce the alcoholic beverage manufacturing and wholesale licensing fee from $3,000 to $500. Read More

Tax Status of Charitable Alcohol Donations Considered in RI

H.B. 7516 would exempt from taxation the donation of alcoholic beverages to nonprofit organizations that are exempt from federal taxation under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Read More

Brewpub Distribution Cahnges Offered in RI

H.B. 7364 would authorize brewpub manufacturer’s licensees to sell at retail to certain holders of wholesale licenses at the licensed place by the manufacturer of the product of his or her licensed plant as well as beverages produced for the …Read More

Displaying results 41-50 of 62

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

See Pete's Articles