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Displaying results 2961-2970 of 3423

Historical Preservation Bill Signed into Law in Virginia

Signed into law, Senate Bill 1412 would allow a winery, brewery, or distillery licensee to pay royalties to a historical preservation entity for the use of its trademarked authentic historical recipes in the manufacture of wine, beer, or spirits. Read More

Virginia Distillery Sample Bill Does Not Advance Beyond Committee

Failing to advance beyond committee, H.B. 1678 sought to expand the privileges of a distiller’s license to include the giving of samples of spirits to any person to whom alcoholic beverages may be lawfully sold in designated areas at events …Read More

Virginia Bill to Allow Tour Guides to Sample Dies in House

After Senate passage, the House failed to take action on Senate Bill 1273 The bill sought to require the ABC Board to adopt regulations that prescribe the terms and conditions under which tour guides employed by a licensed brewery that …Read More

Farm Distillery Bill Awaits Virginia Governor’s Signature

Eligible for the Governor’s signature, S.B. 1272 creates a limited distiller’s license for distilleries that (i) manufacture no more than 36,000 gallons of spirits per calendar year, (ii) are located on a farm in the Commonwealth on land zoned agricultural …Read More

Virginia Bill Would Allow Sampling, Awaits Governor’s Signature

On the Governor’s desk awaiting consideration, Senate Bill 1269 allows a person holding multiple licenses for the manufacture of wine, beer, spirits, or cider to provide samples of any alcoholic beverage produced on the licensed premises to persons under certain …Read More

Bill Signed by Virginia Governor Outlaws Powdered Alcohol

Signed by the Governor, Senate Bill 1034 adds powdered or crystalline alcohol to the definition of alcoholic beverages, prohibits containers sold in or shipped into the Commonwealth from including powdered or crystalline alcohol, and creates a Class 1 misdemeanor for …Read More

Bill Seeks to Create Farm Brewer’s License

House Bill 201 proposes to create a farm brewer’s license to permit the manufacture and sale of Vermont beer and cider. Read More

Utah Sampling Law Fails to Pass Committee

Failing to pass committee, House Bill 253 sought to allow breweries, wineries and distilleries to offer samples to customers on the facility premises. Read More

Utah Bill Would Make Powdered Alcohol Illegal

Passed by both legislative chambers, House Bill 48 makes it unlawful for a person to use, offer for use, purchase, offer to purchase, sell, offer to sell, furnish, or possess powdered alcohol for human consumption. Read More

Bill Would Increase ABV Limit for Ohio Breweries

House Bill 68 would allow beer manufacturers to produce beer containing not more than 21% alcohol by volume and prohibit the inclusion of caffeine or other stimulants in beer containing more than 12% alcohol by volume. Read More

Displaying results 2961-2970 of 3423

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

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