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Displaying results 2531-2540 of 3423

Relaxation of Retail Rules Fails in Maine

After passing the House, Senate Bill 563 has died in the Senate. The bill sought to allow a manufacturer with a retail license to also sell its products for consumption off the premises of that manufacturer without the licensed …Read More

New Hampshire Cider Manufacture Bill Dies

Dying in the Senate, House Bill 1188 sought to authorize brew pubs to manufacture alcoholic cider. Read More

Congressmen and Brewer Testify on Federal Excise Taxes

Earlier today, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Tax Revenue held a Member Day Hearing on Tax Legislation. All members of Congress were invited to testify in front of the committee about their proposals for improvements to the current …Read More

Virginia Agricultural Zoning Clarified Approved

Approved by the Governor, S.B. 578 provides that for a limited brewery licensees located on land on which agriculture is a permitted use. Read More

WA Private Tasting Allowance Bill Signed into Law

Signed by the Governor, House Bill 2605 would authorize the Liquor and Cannabis Board to issue a special permit to a beer manufacturer allowing the manufacturer to conduct a private tasting and sales event involving beer of its own production. Read More

WV Barrel Tax Would Double under Proposal

House Bill 4701 provides for a doubling of the current barrel tax on non-intoxicating beer to $11.00. Read More

Oregon Retail Sales Expansion Signed into Law

Signed by the Governor, House Bill 4053 seeks to expand retail opportunities for brewery licensees to include: retail sales of malt beverage, wine and cider for consumption on or off the licensed premises; selling wine, malt beverages or cider in …Read More

Oregon Privatization Clears Hurdle

In a bid to privatize Oregon’s liquor sales, Oregonians for Competition (a group that includes grocers, retailers and consumers) has gained approval to collect signatures for ballot Initiative 71, which would end state sales of liquor and allow beer and …Read More

Virginia Sales Tax Exemption Bill Becomes Law

Signed into law, House Bill 859 provides sales and use tax exemption for machinery, tools, equipment and materials used by licensed brewers in the production of beer and materials such as labels and boxes for future use in packaging the …Read More

MA Pub Brewer Retail Sales Bill Advances

Advancing from committee, House Bill 282 would expand the retail abilities of pub brewers. Read More

Displaying results 2531-2540 of 3423

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

See Pete's Articles