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Tastings Spending Cap Increase Dies in VA

Dying in committee, Senate Bill 1357 sought to increase the amount allowed to be spent on the purchase of alcoholic beverages used in a tasting conducted by manufacturers, wine and beer wholesalers, and authorized representatives from $100 to $250. Read More

VA Advertising Item Value Cap Increase Fails

Failing to pass committee, Senate Bill 1358 sought to provide that point of sale advertising materials provided by a manufacturer or its authorized vendor or a wholesale wine and beer licensee to a retail licensee may be made of wood …Read More

Addition to VA Allowable Containers List Advances

Reported from House committee after passing the Senate, Senate Bill 1469 provides for a single original metal can in the list of allowable disposable containers that a beer licensee, a wine and beer licensee, and certain mixed beverage licensees may …Read More

WA Legislation Seeks to Lower Legal BAC

House Bill 1701 seeks to lower the allowable blood alcohol content (BAC) from .08 to .05. Read More

Wyoming Proposal to Raise Excise Tax Stalls

Two bills, House Bill 155 and House Bill 166, which sought to significantly raise the excise taxes on alcohol beverages have failed to advance. Read More

Adjacent Location Bill Advances in WY

Under Senate consideration after being amended in the House, House Bill 96 authorizes holders of a microbrewery permit to dispense malt beverages in areas adjacent to its site. Read More

Maryland Bill Creates Modern Brewery License

House Bill 1420 establishes a class 10 modern brewery license which, among other provisions, would allow the holder to sell annually up to 4,000 barrels of beer brewed by the license holder for on-premises consumption. The bill also addresses …Read More

MD Farm Brewery Abilities to Expand under Bill

Companion bills House Bill 71 and Senate Bill 210 authorize the holder of a Class 8 Farm Brewery license to sell or serve any type of food (instead of only specified types of food) if the license holder is also …Read More

MA Bill Elevates Contracts Over Franchise

S.D. 1687 holds that, regardless of whether or not the parties have entered into a written agreement, relationships between a malt beverage supplier and a wholesaler shall be governed by the parties’ agreement, the law of contracts, and/or other generally-applicable …Read More

MA Distributors Propose Franchise Bill

Distributor-backed legislation (H.D. 3525) would allow brewers under 30,000 barrels annual production to terminate distributors without cause. Read More

Displaying results 2351-2360 of 3431

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

See Pete's Articles