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Displaying results 2001-2010 of 3431

New Malt Beverage Tax Proposed in SD

H.B. 1294 seeks to impose an additional tax of fifty-three cents per gallon on malt beverages. Read More

Governor’s Bill Seeks Expanded Small Brewer Rights

Among various provisions, Senate Bill 169 seeks to raise the annual barrelage cap on microbreweries to 30,000 barrels. Additionally, a licensed microbrewery: may sell on the licensed premises alcoholic beverages produced by the licensee for on-sale or off-sale consumption; may …Read More

Legislation Provides Limited Benefits for SD Brewers

Senate Bill 173 raises the production cap from 5,000 to 12,000 barrels under which a manufacturer may maintain on-site sales rights and allows up to three other retail locations. Self-distribution, however, would remain illegal. Read More

Pricing Addressed in SD Legislation

S.B. 101 seeks to prohibit discriminatory malt beverage pricing between suppliers and wholesalers. Read More

Tennessee Bill Raises Sales Cap

S.B. 1594 and companion H.B. 2597 seek to increase the number of barrels a manufacturer that operates as a retailer may sell from not more than 25,000 to not more than 40,000 annually. Read More

Kansas Bill Provides for Contract Brewing

House Bill 2470 would allow microbreweries within the state of Kansas to contract with other microbreweries for production and packaging of beer and hard cider. Read More

Fee Reduction Proposed for “Kansas Grown” Beer

H.B. 2718 provides that if at least 70%, but not 100%, of the products utilized in the manufacture of beer and hard cider by a microbrewery are grown in Kansas, then the license fee for such microbrewery for the immediately …Read More

Wholesale Tax Increase Propsed in KY

House Bill 159 seeks to increase the wholesale sales tax rate for beer, wine, and distilled spirits to fourteen percent. Read More

Sales, Distribution and Tax Changes Proposed in KY

H.B. 136 proposes numerous changes to retail sales by microbreweries and to distribution and shipping of malt beverages. It would also require microbreweries to report and pay taxes on wholesale sales made directly to consumers. Read More

Maryland Reform on Tap Act Introduced

The Reform on Tap Act of 2018 (H.B. 518) provides for: no limits for Class 5 or Class 7 brewery taproom sales; no limits for take-home sales; no limits on production of beer; no tour or special events requirements for …Read More

Displaying results 2001-2010 of 3431

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

See Pete's Articles