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Displaying results 1751-1760 of 3431

Sales Reciprocity Considered in New Mexico

H.B. 603 would expand the sales reciprocity among licensed manufacturers of craft alcohol to include licensed craft distillers, thereby providing the right for small brewers, winegrowers and craft distillers to sell the products of the other two as part of …Read More

Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act

The Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2019 (S. 362; H.R. 1175) has been introduced in Congress. The legislation makes permanent the tax and other provisions passed as part of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act which …Read More

Legislation to Ensure Fair Aluminum Pricing Introduced in Congress

Representatives Ken Buck (CO-04) and Al Lawson (FL-05) have introduced H.R. 1406 to ensure a fair and free market for the pricing of aluminum in the United States. The Aluminum Pricing Examination (APEX) Act grants the Commodities Futures Trading Commission …Read More

Massachusetts Court Upholds Record Fine Against Beer Distributor for Pay-To-Play

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld a $2.6 million fine against beer wholesaler Craft Brewers Guild for violating anti-price discrimination statutes and commercial bribery regulations. In the same decision, the Court overturned a fine lodged against a bar that received …Read More

Alaska Looks at Comprehensive Alc law Review

S.B. 52 seeks to reorganize the statutes governing alcohol regulation to clearly define the rights and obligations of licensees, restructure penalties for offenses, and organize the statutes in a logical, common-sense manner. New statutory provisions retain the three-tier licensing …Read More

CA Beer Definition Bill Amended

Amended and re-referred to committee, A.B. 205 seeks to revise the definition of beer to also provide that beer that includes honey, fruit, fruit juice, fruit concentrate, herbs, spices, or other food materials, as adjuncts in fermentation, shall be …Read More

.05 BAC Intro’d in California

A.B. 1713 seeks to prohibit a person from driving a motor vehicle when the person has 0.05 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in their blood. Read More

CA Draft Beer Badging Exemption Sought

Assembly Bill 609 seeks to exempt licensed premises operated by beer manufacturers from the current requirement that any on-sale retail licensee that gives, sells, or otherwise dispenses draught beer include specified information regarding the beer upon the faucet, spigot, or …Read More

Water Regs Considered in CA

Senate Bill 166 would require the State Water Resources Control Board to adopt regulations for microbiological, chemical, and physical water quality and treatment requirements for the onsite treatment and reuse of process water in breweries and wineries. Read More

CT On-Site Sales Restriction Stalls

Stalling in committee, Senate Bill 742 sought to require breweries to offer their products for on-premise sale and consumption or for on-premise sale for off-premise consumption, but not both. Read More

Displaying results 1751-1760 of 3431

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

See Pete's Articles