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Displaying results 1731-1740 of 3431

ABV and Growler Changes Clear WV Legislature

Passing both chambers of the legislature, Senate Bill 529, among a variety of provisions, removes the two-growler limit per patron per day for licensees who sell growlers for off premises consumption; increases allowable growler size to no larger than 128 …Read More

Production and Shipment Bill Advances in HI

Passing the Senate and amended in the House, S.B. 773 would allow a class 18 small craft producer pub licensee to manufacture not more than 75,000 barrels of malt beverages on the licensee’s premises during the license year, clarifies that …Read More

Changes to Hawaii Draft Beer Regs Advance

Passing their respective chambers, House Bill 1172 and Senate Bill 772 seek to repeal the requirement that there be attached a clear and legible notice, placard, or marker upon the faucet, spigot, or outlet wherefrom the draught beer is drawn. …Read More

Contract Brewing Bill Clears Idaho Legislature

Passing both legislative chambers, S.B. 1078 would permit a craft brew facility to contract with other entities wishing to brew at their facility. Read More

Bond Change Floated in IL

H.B. 2577 would exclude manufacturers and importing distributors that in the preceding year had less than $50,000 of tax liability from a requirement that they file a specified bond with the Department of Revenue. Read More

Brew Pub Production Abilities Mulled in Illinois

House Bill 3610 provides that a brew pub license shall allow the licensee to manufacture up to 155,000 gallons of beer per year through a written agreement with a brewer, class 1 brewer, class 2 brewer, or brew pub and …Read More

Illinois Brewers Congratulated

Adopted by the House, H.R. 73 congratulates all of the award-winning brewers and all of the brewers across the State of Illinois for bringing national recognition to the quality of their brews and for contributing to the vibrancy of our …Read More

Off Sales at State Fair Considered in IN

Among many provisions, H.B. 1518 provides that a holder of a permit for the State Fairgrounds may, if the permit holder is a small brewery, farm winery, or artisan distillery, sell the alcoholic beverages produced by the permit holder for …Read More

On-Site Sales Modification Proposed in Iowa

H.B. 401 provides that a manufacturer of beer may be granted one class “B” beer permit for the purpose of selling beer at retail for consumption on or off the premises of the manufacturing facility regardless of whether the manufacturer …Read More

Brewery Promotion Fund Intro’d in MD

House Bill 480 establishes the Maryland Brewery Promotion Program and Fund in the Department of Commerce (Commerce). The program provides grants to eligible applicants designed to assist Maryland breweries, educate the public about brewing in Maryland, and promote Maryland beer. …Read More

Displaying results 1731-1740 of 3431

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

See Pete's Articles