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NY Labelling Requirement Advances

Advancing in the Senate, S.B. 4090 relates to the definition of New York state labelled beer, requiring such labelled beer to be processed in New York state. Read More

Alcohol Pricing Study Bill Intro’d in OR

House Bill 3377 establishes Addiction Crisis Recovery Fund and requires the Oregon Health Authority to study optimum minimum pricing of malt beverages, wine, and cider to allow consumer access and discourage overconsumption. Read More

SD Alcohol Delivery Bill Gets Committee Nod

Receiving a favorable vote in committee, House Bill 1123 would permit in-state alcohol manufacturers to deliver alcoholic beverages to state customers under certain conditions. Read More

Direct Shipping Bill Moving in ND

Amended in the House following Senate passage, Senate Bill 2321 would allow a microbrew pub licensee to sell or direct ship malt beverages manufactured on the licensed premises to an individual in the state and addresses issues related to contract …Read More

Modified Malt Beverage Definition Considered in OR

S.B. 806 modifies definition of “malt beverage” for purpose of regulation and taxation of alcoholic beverages to align more closely with federal statutory definition of “beer.” Read More

Expanded Brewpub Priviliges Proposed in Texas

Senate Bill 1226 seeks to add the following abilities to the holders of brewpub licenses: conduct samplings of malt beverages, including tastings, at a retailer’s premises; and enter into a contract brewing arrangement whereby the holder of a brewpub permit …Read More

OK Supplier-Distributor Prohibitions Bill Progresses

Substituted in committee, H.B. 1920 prohibits beer brewers or importers from: requiring a distributor to gather or submit certain information for brands not brewed or imported by the brewer or importer; mandating hiring decisions or payment rates or incentives of …Read More

Seventy Dollar/Barrel Tax Increase Proposed in Oregon

House Bill 3296 seeks a seventy dollar increase to the excise tax on beer, to a total of $72.60 per barrel. Read More

Exemption Provision Added to OK Distribution Agreement Bill

Passing committee with an amendment to exempt certain brewers and manufacturers from the provisions of this measure, Senate Bill 945 prohibits any beer distribution agreement with a manufacturer, brewer, or importer of beer from requiring wholesalers to submit certain records, …Read More

RI Container Deposit/Handling Fee Bill Stalls

Held in committee, House Bill 5280 would create a refundable ten cent deposit for non-reusable beverage containers and further provides for a four cent handling fee to be paid by distributors. Read More

Displaying results 1111-1120 of 3400

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

See Pete's Articles