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Displaying results 91-100 of 114

Minors Allowed in HI Breweries Legislation Moves

Passing their respective chambers, House Bill 2410 and companion Senate Bill 2710 would allow brewpub and small craft producer pub licensees to allow minors, who are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian of legal drinking age, on the licensee’s …Read More

Hawaii Beer Tax Reduced under Proposal

H.B. 2412/S.B. 2712 deletes the definition, for tax rate purposes, of draft beer and applies that tax rate of 0.54 cents/wine gallon to all beer. Currently, the non-draft rate is at 0.93 cents/wine gallon. Read More

Lower Beer Tax Proposed in HI

House Bill 2614 reduces the tax on beer to $0.42 per wine gallon of beer and eliminates the distinction between draft beer and packaged beer for taxation purposes. Read More

Bill would Establish Hawaii Craft Tax Credit

H.B. 2656 establishes a small craft beer producers income tax credit. Read More

HI Carryover Bill Seeks BAC Reduction

Carried over from the previous session, S.B. 18 lowers the threshold of blood alcohol content from .08 to .05 for the offense of driving under the influence. Read More

Hawaii Legislation Seeks Lower BAC

Senate Bill 2540 seeks to lower the threshold of blood alcohol content from .08 to .05 for the offense of driving under the influence. Read More

Hawaii Bill Expands Sales and Distribution Opportunities

House Bill 2411/Senate Bill 2711 clarifies that a class 14 brewpub licensee or class 18 small craft producer pub licensee may conduct liquor sales at multiple, appropriately licensed premises. Specifies that brewpubs and small craft producer pubs may sell malt …Read More

Minors Allowed in HI Breweries under Bill

House Bill 2410/Senate Bill 2710 would allow brewpub and small craft producer pub licensees to allow minors, who are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian of legal drinking age, on the licensee’s premises. Read More

Hawaii Bill Seeks Lowered BAC

Senate Bill 18 seeks to lower the allowable blood alcohol content (BAC) from .08 to .05. Read More

Hawaii Growler Sales Proposed

Carrying over from the previous session, S.B. 221 would allow a restaurant licensee to sell malt beverages manufactured on the restaurant premises in brewery-sealed kegs and growlers and defines “growler” as a glass or metal container, not to exceed one …Read More

Displaying results 91-100 of 114

Pete Johnson

State & Regulatory Affairs Manager

Pete Johnson serves as the State & Regulatory Affairs Manager for the Brewers Association (BA). He joined the BA at its inception in 2005, having previously worked as Programs Director for the Brewers Association of America. Before coming to the small brewing industry in 2001, Pete worked for 14 years with both state and federal elected officials in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

See Pete's Articles