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Displaying results 121-130 of 397

Encouraging Staff and Customer Social Distancing Compliance Encouraging Staff and Customer Social Distancing Compliance 1200x628

Encouraging Staff and Customer Social Distancing Compliance

Sarah Billiu provides tips for front of house staff and customers to assist in their journey toward and understanding of socially responsible behavior.Read More

PPP Flexibility Act Passes the House Understanding and Ensuring CO2 Supply Quality for Brewery Use 1200x628

PPP Flexibility Act Passes the House

The bill addresses many concerns that the Brewers Association and our members have with the Payroll Protection Program loan forgiveness requirements.Read More

Safely Reopening Brewing Operations contactless BA

Safely Reopening Brewing Operations

This resource by the Safety Subcommittee will help brewers address the operational challenges of restarting with worker and equipment safety front of mind.Read More

Restarting Yeast After a Prolonged Shutdown reopening yeast

Restarting Yeast After a Prolonged Shutdown

As brewers restart brewing operations after prolonged shutdown, one of the first considerations will be procuring pitchable quantities of viable yeast. Read More

Assessing Aging Beer Assessing Aging Beer 1200x628

Assessing Aging Beer

Many breweries currently have beer in inventory with many weeks or months of age. Here are some factors to consider when deciding what to do with that beer.Read More

Hop Selection Guidelines for Brewers hop selection guidelines hero

Hop Selection Guidelines for Brewers

Learn the origins, objectives, requirements, logistics and things to expect during hop selection, as well as what to do if you cannot select this year.Read More

House and Senate Pass Legislation Providing Additional Funding for the Payroll Protection Program New Start DC social

House and Senate Pass Legislation Providing Additional Funding for the Payroll Protection Program

Today the House passed an interim coronavirus relief package that includes funding for the Small Business Administration’s Payroll Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loans.Read More

Displaying results 121-130 of 397