Wearing PPE in the Cellar for Short Visits

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I only spend about an hour or two in the cellar over the course of a week. Do I need to wear the same PPE as the cellarmen?

The Safety Exchange Says: The OSHA personal protective equipment (PPE) standard requires that employers perform an evaluation of the hazards present in the work area to determine what PPE is required to safely perform a specific task. If your brewery has determined that PPE is required to safely work in the cellar, then PPE should be worn regardless of the frequency or duration of exposure.

Cellar workers may encounter different air, noise, and physical conditions than in other places of the brewery such as elevated levels of CO2, lower lighting and temperatures, and wet, slippery floors. Accidents can happen in less than a second and although you are only spending a limited amount of time in the cellar it is important to follow the guidelines that have been put in place for PPE. Know that PPE is just one kind of safety strategy; safe work practices and engineering controls often offer even greater injury prevention.

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