The Seal Distinguishes Small and Independent Craft Brands for Beer Lovers

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Data Shows the Seal Resonates with Consumers

Did you know?

Brewers Association research shows that many beer lovers cannot distinguish true small and independent craft brands from Big Beer acquired brands. Many mistakenly think those beers are still independent.

Beer drinkers want to support small and independent businesses. Based on data from our recent work tied to the independent craft brewer seal, more than 90% of consumers surveyed showed interest in the seal and what it stands for.

Additionally, beer drinkers who have been exposed to the seal demonstrated a 24-point lift and 77% increase in being more likely to prioritize beer from independent breweries. This data and more exists in sell sheet form, packaged for retailers, here.

Independent Craft Beer Seal on Cans

Put the Seal Where Beer Drinkers Can See It

Beer drinkers say they want to see the seal displayed when they are making beer purchasing decisions:

  • #1 = packaging! Bottles, cans, six-pack carriers, case boxes, case flats, keg collars, growlers
  • Menus and tap lists at bars, taprooms, and restaurants
  • Liquor store shelves (hint: your packages are on those shelves!) and signage
  • Tap handles
  • On booths at beer festivals
  • At breweries (e.g., stickers, coasters, menus, tap lists, tap handles)
  • Websites
  • Social media
  • …And more

Will they see it on your packaging and on your menus when they’re seeking truly independent craft beers? We certainly hope so, as this entire amazing movement was built on brewers collectively turning the beer world upside down (as shown in the inverted beer bottle seal image that unmistakably says “beer”).

Research shows that seals are effective for both sales and trust:

  • The fair trade seal increased coffee sales 10% over non-branded labels.
  • The organic label has a strong connection with 60% of millennials, with 54% of them expressing confidence in the integrity of the label.

Get Started with the Seal

With thousands of beer brands already displaying the seal, now is the time to sign on to this great movement. U.S. craft brewers can download the seal and activation assets and can get started today.

Cheers to #IndependentBeer!

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