New Hampshire Governor Signs Bill Advancing Brewer Interests

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Members of the New Hampshire Brewers Association (NHBA) gathered at Deciduous Brewing Company in Newmarket for Governor Chris Sununu’s signing of Senate Bill 125 (S.B.125), which addresses a number of sales and operational issues for the state’s brewers. Senate Bill 125, priority legislation for the NHBA during the 2021 legislative session, eases certain regulatory restrictions for a number of license classes.  Among the bill’s provisions, the new law:

  • Removes the limitation on the quantity of beer a beverage manufacturer may sell to a member of the general public per day
  • Permits businesses holding Nano Brewer and Brew Pub licenses to enter into a contract brew arrangement with a brewer located within the state
  • Allows Beverage Manufacturers, Nano Brewers, Brew Pubs, Wine Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesalers, and Retailers to ship alcoholic beverages sold by that licensee to New Hampshire consumers over the age of 21 in properly marked packages in areas of the state where alcohol may be lawfully sold
  • Establishes a new authorization for a beverage manufacturer to sell alcohol beverages, manufactured by the beverage manufacturer, at retail outlets owned and operated by the beverage manufacturer without a requirement for manufacturing at that location

Recognizing the creative and economic power of the brewing community, Governor Sununu remarked that the state’s brewers “are innovators, inventors, and entrepreneurs. They built their businesses – our job is to get out of the way to let them thrive and grow.” With the signing of S.B. 125, Granite State brewers will certainly have enhanced opportunities to grow their businesses and contribute even more to job creation and the state’s economy.

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