Brewers Make Their Voice Heard in Washington, D.C.

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Today 120 brewers, brewery owners, employees, and state guild representatives descended on Washington, D.C. to advocate on behalf of the country’s small and independent brewers. The group visited the offices of more than half the United States Congress, logging 325 total visits.

Hill climb participants urged legislators to make the two-year federal excise tax recalibration, passed at the end of 2017, permanent. They also advocated for increased funding for hops and barley research as well as the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Another important talking point was to educate staff about the potential impact of steel and aluminum tariffs on the brewing industry.

“Grassroots lobbying is a key way for brewers to advocate for their business and build relationships with federal legislators,” said Katie Marisic, Brewers Association federal affairs manager. “With more than 6,200 breweries across the country, it is important that small and independent brewers have a say in the political process. The people who participated in today’s hill climb and who regularly interact with their state and federal legislators deserve our thanks. They are making sure that the brewing community’s voice is represented and heard in D.C. and in our state capitals.”

Attendees capped off the day with a reception for congressional staff, featuring beer provided by 30 participating breweries.

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