Archivist Hired to Continue the Preservation of Association History

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For the past two years, Brewers Association (BA) founder and past president Charlie Papazian has shepherded the association’s archive project by collecting thousands of images and publications from the BA, American Homebrewers Association, and beyond. The images alone consist of more than 130,000 items that have been tagged and organized by Charlie—no small feat!

In an effort to continue this endeavor after Papazian exits the association in late January, the BA has hired archivist Karna Murphy.

“I’m excited to join the Brewers Association,” said Murphy. “We have 40 years of documented history that I’m working to make accessible to our members. I hope with my stewardship that the archive can serve as a celebration of the way craft brewing businesses continue to unite us in our shared passion for a well-crafted beer.”

The archive provides institutional knowledge, perspective, and historical context of the Brewers Association. The collections focus on the growth of the organization, homebrewing, and the greater craft beer industry. Members, researchers, and the general public will be able to use the archive to promote, explore, and celebrate the small, independent, and innovative culture of American craft brewers.

Murphy has a master’s in library science and previously worked with the American Cheese Society to set up their digital archives.

“Actively preserving Brewers Association historical material will benefit our members by strengthening our collective memory to inform our present moment and our future,” said Murphy.

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