American Society of Brewing Chemists and Brewers Association Collaborate on New Videos

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The American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) and Brewers Association (BA) have added three new instructional videos to the series demonstrating fundamental methods related to brewing quality.

The videos outline some of the methods that are essential for ensuring consistent production of high quality beer. The ASBC and BA have prioritized techniques that require only the most essential laboratory tools that every brewery should own. The videos also serve as an introduction to the renowned ASBC Methods of Analysis. This invaluable resource provides industry professionals the guidance necessary to evaluate everything from barley and hops, to wort and beer, as well as filtering aids, packaging materials, and even sensory analysis methods.

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The three new videos address:

  • ASBC Recommended Beer Degassing Methods and Alternatives – Filter Paper Filtration and Degassing
  • ASBC Beer Method 2b: Specific Gravity Determination using a Digital Density Meter
  • ASBC Beer Method 3b: Apparent Extract Determination using Hydrometers

“It is absolutely vital for the modern craft brewer to ensure product quality, not just through sensory evaluation, but also by validating quality, consistency, and microbiological stability through meaningful, objective in-house testing,” said Jason Perkins, brewmaster at Allagash Brewing Company and BA Quality Subcommittee chair.

“Not knowing where to start when setting up a quality program can be a huge deterrent for craft breweries prior to running even basic quality tests. For the craft brewer it is crucial that information on quality testing is easily accessible, scientifically accurate, and something that can be applied without the requirement for a sophisticated lab or expensive equipment. Implementing a few basic microbiological, sensory, and chemical tests from the ASBC Methods of Analysis is a critical starting point in building quality into a brewery. This collaboration between the ASBC and BA is designed to demonstrate the simplicity of many of these methods via a series of videos, aimed at helping craft breweries initiate their own quality system,” added Dana Sedin, ASBC president.

For more information on this unique set of resources, visit and

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