Export Seminars at CBC

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Craft Brewers Conference Export Development Program Seminars

Thursday May 3rd from 2-5:50 pm.
Location: Pacific Salon 6-7

1. Japan Market: Best Beer Practices & the Export Market – Andrew Balmuth, Atsumi Kobayashi
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

2. Western Europe: Are your Beers Offline in Europe, Export Opportunities in Scandinavia – Jorgen Hasselqvist, Darren Packman
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

3. The trials, tribulations and lessons learned in the export market for American Craft Beer, EDP Panel Discussion – Dick Cantwell, Steve Grossman, Fred Mendes, moderated by Bob Pease, COO Brewers Association.
4:50 pm – 5:50 pm

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