Brewers Association Applauds the Introduction of the CHEERS Act

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The Brewers Association (BA) joined other trade associations in lauding the introduction of the Creating Hospitality Economic Enhancement for Restaurants and Servers (CHEERS) Act, bipartisan legislation to help restaurants, bars, and other hospitality businesses that operate draught beer systems.

The legislation was introduced by Representatives Darrin LaHood (R-IL) and Steve Horsford (D-NV) who touted its potential impact on the hospitality industry, which is still recovering from the pandemic. The CHEERS Act would help these businesses by extending accelerated tax benefits for qualifying investments into energy-efficient systems to include keg and tap property, supporting the use of draught lines and keg equipment at restaurants and bars.

BA president and CEO Bob Pease expressed the association’s support for the legislation, “Small and independent craft brewers know all too well the impacts of the pandemic on the hospitality industry. With 30% of all draught beer sold produced by craft brewers, restaurants, bars, and retail partners are integral parts of the brewing community, and healthy on-premise business and draught service are crucial to the overall health of small and independent craft brewers. We enthusiastically support the introduction of the CHEERS Act and thank Congressmen LaHood and Horsford for supporting legislation that will encourage economic growth and help these important partners.”

In addition to the BA, the legislation is widely supported across the beer and hospitality industries. The Steel Keg Association, National Restaurant Association, Beer Institute, Independent Restaurant Coalition, National Beer Wholesalers Association and more, expressed their support for the legislation. View the joint press release for the CHEERS Act.

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