Notice of Membership Dues Increase

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Starting Feb. 1, 2023, the Brewers Association will increase membership dues for brewery members. It’s the first dues increase in 18 years.

Like many, the Brewers Association has felt the impact of rising prices, and we are taking this step to bolster existing benefits and expand our efforts on your behalf—meeting needs with brewing and business resources and strengthening our advocacy efforts on the state level.

Dues Increase to Take Effect Feb. 1, 2023

Brewery SizeCurrent RateNew Rate (Starting Feb. 23, 2023)
0 - 500 bbls$195$225
501 - 2,500 bbls$295$325
2,501 - 60,000 bbls$295+$0.10 per bbl over 2,500 bbls $325.00 + $.11 per bbl over 2,500 bbls
60,001 - 150,000 bbls $6,045+$.065 per bbl over 60,000 bbls$6,650 + $.0715 per bbl over 60,000 bbls
150,000 - 2,000,000 bbls$12,000+$.005 per bbl over 150,000 bbls$13,200 + $.0055 per bbl over 150,000 bbls

Lock In Current Dues for an Additional Year

New and existing members can lock in current dues by joining or renewing between now and Feb. 1, 2023. For active members, an additional year will be added to your current expiration date.

  • To secure current dues for another year, join or renew with an annual payment—not monthly—prior to Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023.
  • Any members paying dues monthly who want to take advantage of these savings are encouraged to switch to an annual payment.  

We do not take the decision to raise dues lightly. With this change, we will be able to continue serving your brewery at the highest level.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to our membership team.

See also:

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