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July/August 2006

Brewery Operations Issue

For the July/August 2006 The New Brewer, we present our annual Brewery Operations issue, covering topics such as beer samplers; wet hopping; philanthropy, and brewery finance.

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Cover Story

Brewery Operations Issue

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Serving Up Samplers

With brewers offering more diverse and eclectic styles, has the practice of offering small samples of their wares kept pace? A look at the pros and cons of sample trays.

Brewery Operations Issue

Featured Stories

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The New Brewer: Brewery Operations Issue

Fresh Off the Vine

The key to brewing a wet hop beer—adding hops straight from the harvest into the kettle—is to throw conventional brewing wisdom out the window.

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The New Brewer: Brewery Operations Issue

Durango Bootleggers’ Society

The four craft breweries in this Southwest Colorado tourist town have banded together to take the concept of “Support Your Local Brewery” to a whole new level.

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The New Brewer: Brewery Operations Issue

Brewpubs Operational Survey

The Brewers Association presents the results of its operational survey for brewpubs in an effort to help members estabilsh industry standards for operational costs.

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The New Brewer: Brewery Operations Issue

The Ins and Outs of Brewery Finance

Solid business and marketing plans are prerequisites of success in the craft brewing industry along with another very important piece of the puzzle: cash flow.

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