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November/December 2019

Raw Materials Issue

For the November/December 2019 The New Brewer, we present our annual Raw Materials issue. It’s impossible to brew great beer without quality ingredients, and Mother Nature annually plays a big role in the hops and barley harvests. The U.S. is once again the world’s top producer of hops, and the U.S. barley crop had another strong year. We also investigate alternative yeasts and bacteria that have synergistic effects in brewing.

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Raw Materials Issue

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2019 World Barley and Hops Harvest

A comprehensive look at the 2019 hops and barley harvests. The U.S. again saw record acreage for hops, while U.S. barley production increased significantly.

Raw Materials Issue

Featured Stories

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The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

Beyond Brett

The modern brewing industry has barely scratched the surface of what is possible in the realm of fermenting organisms, as there is still much to be explored.

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The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

2019 BA Hop Usage Survey

The 12th annual Brewers Association survey provides a look at the top 10 hop varieties, 10 hard-to-get varieties, and a by-the-numbers snapshot of hop usage by craft brewers.

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The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

The Terroir of Hops

The concept of terroir, much talked about in the winemaking world, applies to hop bines just as much as it does to grape vines.

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The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

Branching Out with Barley

In order to determine barley varieties that can thrive in a region that is not a traditional malting barley producer, the Eastern Spring Barley Nursery was formed in 2015.

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