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March/April 2018

The Culture of Craft Issue

For the March/April 2018 The New Brewer, we present the Culture of Craft issue, focusing on tenets that make craft brewers unique. We turned to the community of brewers and guild leaders to tell their stories within mini-essays on various aspects of craft. We also take a closer look at how the Brewers Association and the Smithsonian are working together to preserve the history of craft brewing, as well as offer a glimpse into the craft beer scene in Nashville in advance of the Craft Brewers Conference April 30–May 3.

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Cover Story

The Culture of Craft Issue

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The Culture of Craft: Building Something from Nothing

Sometimes having no culture at all is a good way to start one. Brewers and guild leaders reflect on how craft brewers have built a unique, collaborative, innovative culture.

The Culture of Craft Issue

Featured Stories

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The New Brewer: The Culture of Craft Issue

Craft Brewing and the Evolution of American Culture

A look at how the embrace of individualism, self-expression, growth, and creativity that had been taking shape since the 1960s has helped shape the culture of craft brewing.

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The New Brewer: The Culture of Craft Issue

Preserving Craft Brewing’s Formative Years

The Brewers Association is taking major steps to document its members’ past, both through a partnership with the Smithsonian and a massive internal project

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The New Brewer: The Culture of Craft Issue

“Brew-sic City”: Nashville Hosts Craft Brewers Conference

While the honkytonks of Lower Broad are filled with folks pounding shots of fireball and mugs of light lager, Nashvillians in the know have discovered the joys of craft beer.

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